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I chose to live in the desert to find myself again, to roam the unpopulated land and inhale the endless sky. The joy and grounding I find in experiencing these rugged landscapes and small-town life that often harkens to another time, looking ahead while also holding the past, are things I want to share. I aim to make work that helps you relax your shoulders, inhale deeply, and maybe even laugh - to inspire meditation on nature and a slower pace of life.


Georgia O’Keefe stated, “If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for a moment.” That is what I want my work to bring to viewers: a focus so pure it becomes your world for a moment, and all the rest of life falls away. A story you see in the image, a question it elicits, recognition of a time or space that brings a feeling of connectedness, or enchanted by the beauty of the work, whether that be from a technique or seeing the beauty in an object, I also found beauty within.


I work with the medium of analog photography both in traditional black and white film and darkroom printing and alternative processes such as cyanotype and Polaroid emulsion lifts. No matter the way I choose to express my images, my subject matter is always rooted in my desire to share this space I call home whether it’s a remote area of the Chihuahuan Desert or a glimpse into the lives of the people who dwell in this vast area called the Big Bend Region of Texas.

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